sepatah kata.
Grand Bargain 2.0. Pro-Local Upgrade
Tomorrow, the 2021 Grand Bargain will kick off, launching the deliberations on Grand Bargain 2.0. That got me in a reflective mood and with it, my hopes for…
Eksplorasi Lumbung Dana Nasional Untuk Respon Bencana dan Kemanusiaan: Peluang solusi untuk krisis pendanaan LSM di Belahan Dunia Selatan
Tekanan keuangan ekstrem yang disebabkan oleh pandemi Covid-19 dan bencana telah menyebabkan lebih dari setengah dari Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil dan LSM di Indonesia menghadapi krisis…
Destana Inklusi, Leave No One In Building Community Resilient.
On 28 September 2018, a large earthquake hit Palu, Sigi and Donggala (PASIGALA) Central Sulawesi. It caused a derivative disaster including tsunami, liquefaction and landslide…
Ali, the Community Organizer to Build Inclusive Village Resilient.
On 28 September 2018, a large earthquake struck in neck of Minahasa Peninsula, central Sulawesi. Having an epidendrum in located in the mountainous Donggala Regency,…
Empower youth for work (EYW) project Covid-19 response.
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is being felt in the provinces of Indonesia that the EYW project operates in, affecting the day-to-day program and…
Sewing Thread of Hope During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
A month after the first two positive Covid-19 cases were reported in Indonesia, there has been an exponential increase in the number of confirmed cases.…