On 28 September 2018, a large earthquake struck in neck of Minahasa Peninsula, central Sulawesi. Having an epidendrum in located in the mountainous Donggala Regency, it caused a derivative disaster including tsunami, liquefaction and landslide in Palu, Sigi and Donggala (PASIGALA) Central Sulawesi. This disaster caused numerous casualties and significant economic damage. Accounted for 4,340 fatalities were reported and thousands of people lost their jobs and livelihood resources, infrastructures, water and sanitation resources.
After passing the emergency response period, now the central Sulawesi has implemented a Recovery Phase, where JMK partnered with Oxfam is also contributing to maximize the impact. In the post-disaster recovery process towards resilience, it certainly cannot be separated from the role of community itself. Active participation along with capacity building at the community is carried out to build community resilience in 33 villages where JMK-Oxfam focus on.
Adopting, one promising model, community-based disaster management (CBDM) that emphasize an important role of community healing and participation, JMK-Oxfam initiated Committee Organizer (CO) in 33 JMK-Oxfam assisted villages in PASIGALA. This 33 COs were formed as a driving force in organizing citizens in 4 pillars recovery activities: Livelihood, WASH, Gender Protection, Disability and Inclusion (GEDSI) as well as CSO strengthening.
33 COs are selected from the village head recommendation in each village. One of 33 selected COs are Mr Ali from Malei Village. Mr. Jamar head of Malei village recommended Ali to join CO as Malei representative. “When I heard about facilitating and organizing the community, Ali Ridha Nurdin’s name straight comes to my mind to be the right one for the position” said Mr. Jamal
Ali and other 32 COs have been equipped with capacities in building disaster resilient along with gender mainstreaming, disability and social inclusion knowledge. This knowledge is essential as in community-based disaster management (CBDM), one of key elements aside strengthening the capacities of local communities is participation of the most vulnerable members of society. (1) One of series of capacity building, on February 17-21, 2020 JMK-OXFAM implemented Training of Trainer (TOT) on Gender, Disability Inclusion and Influencer for WASH and Livelihood sector for Mr Ali and other 32 COs.
Through this training, Ali found more understanding about gender equality and how it is important to build village resilience. Post this training, Ali is assisting vulnerable groups in her village. “Before, I didn’t really care about vulnerable groups, especially people with disabilities in my village. But at this time, although I have not contributed much to the vulnerable groups in my village, at least I have tried to understand and convey their voice to the government. “
Ali enthusiasm and dedication lead an effective advocacy as CO. Ali Ridha Nurdin, has been able to form vulnerable group and received legitimate support from his village by a Decree on vulnerable groups in Malei Village. Furthermore, Ali now also a pioneer of gender mainstream who fight for gender equality and eliminate violence against women, children and vulnerable groups the other in Malei Village.
“Alhamdulillah, I could contribute to community especially vulnerable groups and utilize my capacity as CO in bridging the community to voice their rights that have been neglected“
Ali proudly said
Community organizing for post-disaster. Pyles, Loretta. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore : Sage Publications:, 2007, Vol. International Social Work 50.